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Being Productive (when all you want to do is be outside)

It's June! Summer is FINALLY here! But with this beautiful weather has come wanderlust, daydreaming about green grass, and never-ending Internet searches for an air-conditioner that's affordable. In short: with summer comes distraction.

I don’t know about you, but once it starts getting warm outside, all I can focus on is how much I wish I were at the beach! It’s no secret that during the summer months, maintaining focus is extremely difficult. Our minds wander, thinking I wish I had a pool in my backyard; or I need to go buy a new bathing suit after work; or Do we have enough sunscreen for our trip to Florida?. So, how do we stay on task when our minds (and bodies!) want to be somewhere else? Forbes lists 5 ways to help you boost productivity during the summer slump:

1. Set your thermostat to a workable temperature

When your office is too hot, you start to feel drowsy and uncomfortable; but going from a freezing cold office to the scorching hot outdoors can shock your body and cause you to fall ill. So what’s the optimal temperature for productivity? “The United States Department of Labor’s Occupational Safety & Health Administration recommends a temperature range of 68°F to 76°F. Above 76°F, productivity starts to decline, while below 68°F, discomfort and the error rate become increasingly acute", according to Forbes.

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2. Clean your desk and your mind

This tip is best described in the following two quotes from motivational speaker Katrina Mayer and clutter organizer Peter Walsh, respectively: “Get rid of clutter and you may just find it was blocking the door you’ve been looking for”; and “ ‘Later’ is the best friend of clutter”. When we declutter, we’re essentially creating physical and mental space for productivity to thrive!

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3. Exercise

You know that feeling when you’re sitting at your desk and you can’t manage to find the right position for your legs because everything feels uncomfortable? That’s probably your body telling you it’s time to get up and move around! In a study from the University of Birmingham, researchers found that employees that walked for 30 minutes during their lunch at least 3 times a week increased employee’s abilities to manage stress in the office. Similar studies allude to increased productivity, attention to detail, and overall mood as a result of exercising during the work day (read more in this article from the Huffington Post). If you’re unsure where to start (because let’s be honest, going to the gym can be the worst!), check out last month’s post about yoga! Certain yoga poses can actually be very cooling to the body, so if you’re apprehensive about the summer heat mixed with working out, yoga can be a great place to start.

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4. Set goals

You may remember our post from January about setting goals (if not, check it out!). Goal-setting helps you to come up with a plan to get things done. Start with the big picture, then plan out the small steps that will help you get there. Maybe it seems that your goals are more personal, or more work-oriented...but most likely, there’s a lot of overlap. Allow yourself time to truly reflect, set goals, and make a plan. You’ll be back on track (or, on a new path!) in no time.

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5. Plan a vacation

One way to quiet your wandering mind is by actually listening to it! Plan a vacation and enjoy your time outside (before it gets to be too hot!). If you can’t go on a vacation, let yourself do the things that bring you joy before and/or after work. Taking the time to recharge your batteries can help you stay focused and productive at work.

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My goals? Practice yoga after work, actually start scrapbooking (instead of always telling myself I’m going to start and then never following through!), do some “spring cleaning” (during the summer) in my workspace and at home, and commit myself to weekend bike rides with friends, family, and whoever else will join me.

Now, I’m off to make a plan for how I’ll achieve these goals! What will you do this summer to keep your mind focused? Comment below!

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