In the spirit of our theme for Women’s History Month, I want to address the concept of gratefulness from a different perspective. It is easy to be grateful when life is going well; you get a promotion, go on vacation, finish a degree, buy a home, or have a positive life change and feel like nothing could go wrong. You might look around at all of your good fortune and think, “Wow! I am so very grateful for this life I have built, and I am going to count my blessings.”
What if we redefine our blessings? Think about the times you were overwhelmed, stressed, your car broke down, you lost someone close to you or had an unexpected expense arise? What if something happened over a period of time, when you became a caregiver for a parent, or you were forced to deal with a bully at work or in your family? Whatever it may be, you might think, “How am I am going to get through this?” When we feel like we have a dark cloud hovering over us, we might wonder when things will get better. That is when you must dig deep and be grateful. Change your mindset and think to yourself, “This is not what I expected, but I am grateful for the opportunity to learn from this.”
The good times are great and worthy of appreciation, but they are usually easy to get through. The hard times force you to prove your strength and capability to yourself. The hard times build your experience and knowledge level. The hard times force you to grow into the amazing woman you are. Be grateful for those “blessings.” Those experiences define you as a woman who makes history.
-Melissa Maszczak