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Welcome to the Women’s Professional Network of Thomas Edison State University! We’ve decided to start a blog to keep members informed about upcoming events and happenings within the group. The blog will regularly feature WPN members so that you can get to know colleagues across departments at the University, as well as share posts from the WPN LinkedIn and other influential blogs.

So, you might be wondering:

Who are we?

Well, the short answer is that we’re a group that promotes the interests and education of women at the University and in the community.

The long answer? We’re a circle of intelligent and professional employees at the University who come from all departments and work together to be our best selves. How do we do this? By attending events like the Story of Success Lecture Series, the Dress for Success clothing drives, the monthly walking club, and various workshops where members can meet and learn from one another. Our chapter formed in 2012 as part of the American Council on Education’s Women’s Network and now has over 65 members.

How can I join?

Joining is easy! Contact, fill out the form, and return it with $10.

Unsure about joining?

Attend one of our events! If you decide you’re interested, speak to one of the members who can help you register.

We are so excited to have you!

If you’d like to write and/or share an article, post, or anything you find relevant to the advancement of the WPN, please email

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