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Why You Should Run for the WPN Advisory Board

In April, the Women’s Professional Network will be holding elections for open seats on the Advisory Board, so we thought we’d share stories from current members of the board about their experience and what you can expect should you decide to run.

Why did you join the advisory board?

“I joined the advisory board to be more involved with the WPN and to continue to develop as a leader here at TESU. I was a member before and enjoyed going to the meetings, and hearing the speakers; and, I had a lot of respect for the women on the board before me and all the hard work they put in and their dedication to the mission.” –Jennifer Stark (Treasurer)

“I initially joined the WPN as a general member, which afforded me the initial opportunity to expand my knowledge and understanding of the different departments and positions within the University. I was both pleased and surprised when an Advisory Board member suggested my nomination. She explained that the Board wanted more representation from the New Jersey State Library employees and that she had confidence in my abilities. After several discussions with the Board Chair regarding the time commitment involved, I agreed to the submission of my nomination. In retrospect, I am glad that I did.” –Leslie W. (Nominations, Constitution, and Bylaws Committee Chair)

“I joined the advisory board because I am passionate about professional development for women in higher education. I have had a wonderful experience working with the board and the committee members in achieving our mission.” –Melissa Maszczak (Program Committee Chair)

“I was excited and honored to be nominated for a board position after having served on the Marketing Committee. I am passionate about promoting and uplifting women, and serving on the advisory board offered an opportunity to do just that on a higher level.” –Emily Hopkins (Marketing Committee Chair)

“I was initially approached by the Advisory Board Chair at the time, and offered a vacant seat on the Board. I was told that I had been nominated from within the board, and I humbly and very gladly accepted. I was already a general WPN member, and was thrilled at the opportunity to participate at a higher level. Since I work at the State Library, I viewed this as an opportunity to network more closely with my colleagues at TESU. This experience has not only been an opportunity for professional development, but also a wonderful way to build relationships across the organization.” –Tiffany McClary (Advisory Board Member)

What have you learned/gained from your time on the board?

“I have gained so much insight by being part of the WPN board. Not only about my own goals but how much thought and planning goes into the events and speakers. I think the TED talks that we started this year add a great opportunity to start conversations and discord about issues that face women in the workplace and that has given me a lot of insight into certain situations.” –Jennifer Stark (Treasurer)

“Since joining the Advisory Board, I have gained several new working professional relationships and gotten to know some great people! I have deepened my knowledge of the University structure and have raised the profile of the New Jersey State Library within the Board.” –Leslie W. (Nominations, Constitution, and Bylaws Committee Chair)

“My time on the board thus far has taught me quite a lot. In this role, I’ve had the opportunity to work with women from departments that I otherwise would not have met or interacted with, which has helped me to not only better serve the WPN, but has also been beneficial in my job within the University. I’ve also come to learn about the complexities of serving an organization that constantly has to grow and adapt with changing times, which has proven to be both challenging and exciting.” –Emily Hopkins (Marketing Committee Chair)

“Previous to this I had served on various committees with different organizations, however this was my first experience as a Board Member. I learned how a Board is run, including procedures such as voting, bylaws, the elections process, etc. It was also a valuable learning experience with regard to event planning and budgeting. These are skills that I will be able to carry with me, perhaps as a Board member for another organization in the future.” –Tiffany McClary (Advisory Board Member)

What are your responsibilities? What is the time commitment?

“I am the Treasurer of the WPN and am on the Marketing committee. As treasurer, I keep the master member list, collect dues, and track invoices for payments. As a member of the marketing committee, I provide insight and opinion on the marketing materials the WPN sends out, from a speaker biography to a Yoga day invitation. The time commitment is not overwhelming. I make sure to attend every event I can so that I am available to accept membership dues, take attendance, and answer general membership questions. I would say that the time commitment is 2-3 hours a month total.” –Jennifer Stark (Treasurer)

“I am currently the Chair of the Nominations, Constitution and Bylaws Committee. This committee is active in an election year in the months preceding the April election. We also work on amending the bylaws when necessary. The time commitment is reasonable, and I am able to manage my work duties with my Board responsibilities.” –Leslie W. (Nominations, Constitution, and Bylaws Committee Chair)

“I am the Program Committee Chair and am responsible for leading the program committee in planning and executing all of our events throughout the year. The time commitment for this role varies, but I would say I spend two to three hours per week on average on this work, some weeks more or less. We usually have two to three committee meetings throughout the year and four board meetings in addition to our monthly events.” –Melissa Maszczak (Program Committee Chair)

“As the Marketing Committee Chair, I oversee the production of all marketing materials that are distributed to membership and the University/NJSL community. I have recently taken on the responsibility of putting together the invitations and announcements using Adobe InDesign, which has been an exciting learning opportunity for me. I hold two to three committee meetings throughout the year to discuss upcoming events and possible marketing opportunities for the WPN. Additionally, I facilitate the WPN website and blog posts.The time commitment is definitely manageable, especially if you make sure to plan and organize your ‘to-dos’. I keep a calendar with reminders of upcoming events that need marketing materials so I can stay on top of my responsibilities.” –Emily Hopkins (Marketing Committee Chair)

“I am an Advisory Board Member, and also a member of the Marketing Committee. This includes attending Board meetings as well as Marketing Committee meetings, and handling WPN matters via email as needed. As a Board member, there are times where we must vote on issues that come up, make amendments to bylaws, and also discuss logistics and details for the various WPN programs and events. As a Marketing Committee member, I assist with drafting and editing marketing communications that go out to general membership. Juggling both has been manageable, and I would estimate that the time commitment (depending on when meetings are scheduled) is 2-3 hours or less each month.” –Tiffany McClary (Advisory Board Member)

Why should someone be interested in serving on the board?

“Being on the Board is a great way to be involved, meet wonderful women from departments that you may not interact with on a daily basis, and shape the narrative of the Women’s Professional Network. Our board has roles for every type of person; you just need a positive attitude and a desire to serve the WPN membership.” –Jennifer Stark (Treasurer)

“Please consider serving on the Advisory Board. We welcome your enthusiasm and the opportunity to hear new ideas from all areas within the University and the Library. At the very least, you will enjoy the stimulation of getting out of your workspace and interacting with a dynamic, proactive group of people” –Leslie W. (Nominations, Constitution, and Bylaws Committee Chair)

“I believe serving on this board is a great opportunity for women in the University to network, learn how board governance works and participate in planning the special events offered throughout the year.” –Melissa Maszczak (Program Committee Chair)

“The advisory board provides you with a unique experience in which you can connect with employees from all parts of the University and Library, and thus expands your network of resources (both professional and personal). It’s a great way to learn and try new things in an environment that is supportive and understanding.” –Emily Hopkins (Marketing Committee Chair)

“Serving on the Board is a great way to grow as a leader. It’s an opportunity to get to know women from across the organization, and develop relationships with people who work in various professional capacities – some of whom you normally would not come in contact with. I have learned that TESU and the State Library have a tremendously talented group of women leaders, and being a part of organizing, supporting, and empowering this group has been beyond rewarding for me.” –Tiffany McClary (Advisory Board Member)


Interested in running or know someone who should be on the board? Email with “Advisory Board Nomination” entered in the subject line. Please include the name of the nominee, title, contact information, and work location (University or NJ State Library), in the body of the email.

Nominations are due by 5:00 p.m. on Friday, March 6, 2020.

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